What do you think is the most important aspect of staying fit?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Reading Health Magazines

Picking up a magazine from the store with a huge bodybuilder on the front of the page can be fun and actually have some worth while info in it. However more than half the magazine is advertising supplements and products to help get you that big. Purchasing a bodybuilding magazine can be useful as long as there are some helpful tips and mabe a training plan or two.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Home Gym Advantages

Many people get gym memberships and later find out that it is time consuming and cost too much money. Now more and more people are discovering that working out at home is a better option and has great advantages.

Owning your own fitness equipment can prove to be very useful and can help save valuable time driving to the gym. For the people that can not see themselves working out at home because there are too many distractions, a home gym may not be for you. But if you are self motivated and want to stop paying for a gym that you are not using, a home gym solution is for you!

Going to a gym can take a lot of drive time and gas money.

For example, say you get off work at 5pm and you want to go to the gym but you are also hungry too. If you drive all the way home to get something to eat and change, you have to drive back to the gym. Buy the time you get back home from working out at the gym it is 730pm or later. This does not allow much time to rest and spend with family.

Working out at home can be fun!

When I got my home gym, the first workout was so fun because I got to put on the music I prefer and turn it up as loud as I liked. Plus I did not have to wait for a machine. My workout was overall faster than at the gym.

Working out at home costs less money!

Working out at the gym cost on average a $40 monthly membership. Many people only go ten or less times a month costing up to 4 dollars a day. Plus it cost more money to drive to the gym unless it is very close to your house or on the way to work. And finally it takes more time at the gym due to waiting for machines and checking in.

There can be many valuable reasons to have a gym membership, but if your overall fitness goals are just to lose weight or stay in good shape, a home gym will save you time and money.